Library Policies

  • Art Gallery and Exhibit Policy

    The Lawrence Library welcomes artists, and collectors, to exhibit artwork and engage with the community. Artists of all backgrounds and mediums are welcome to submit a proposal for an exhibit in the Art Gallery. Priority is given to local/regional artists and exhibits that support the library's mission statement.

    Artists chosen for an exhibit must sign a contract acknowledging that:

    • Any sale of art from an exhibit must be directly handled by the artist. Library staff will not be involved in any aspect of art sales.
    • Exhibiting in public spaces does have risk of loss or damage, and the library is not responsible for the safety of art work while exhibited in the Art Gallery or other library spaces.

    Approved by the Library Board of Trustees December 7, 2022

  • Behavior Policy

    The Lawrence Library is committed to providing an enjoyable and safe environment where patrons and staff can fully benefit from the library’s resources and services. Firearms are prohibited in the library. We expect patrons to behave responsibly, respectfully, and with consideration for others. The following behavior guidelines must be adhered to:

    • Shoes and proper attire must be worn.
    • Creating disturbances such as, but not limited to, running, shouting or talking loudly, using inappropriate language or gestures, harassment, or making threats is not permitted.
    • Activities must remain in the room where they are booked and should not impact other library patrons.
    • The destruction of property, including but not limited to books, any part of the library facility or equipment, other patron’s property, etc., is not allowed.
    • Smoking, or the use or handling of tobacco or electronic cigarettes, in the library or on library grounds is not allowed.
    • Being under the influence of or using alcohol* or narcotics in the library building or on library grounds is strictly prohibited.
    • There is no solicitation or proselytizing allowed.
    • Patrons using library computers, or their own laptops/mobile devices, must follow the library computer use policy.
    • Cell phone usage: Please set your cell phone or other electronic device to silent or vibrate mode. Keep conversations short and speak softly, and use your phone in the front entryway (by the bathroom), or the Art Gallery.
    • Library staff is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended.
    • If it is known that a person is incapable of taking care of, or is a risk to, themselves the library shall call the appropriate authority to ensure safety of said person.

    The library staff reserves the right to ask a patron to leave, or take appropriate action, if any of the above guidelines are not honored.

    *Exceptions will include library functions approved at the discretion of the Library Board of Trustees.

    Approved on November 7, 2018; updated November 6, 2019, December 2, 2021, October 4 & November 1, 2023

  • Child Behavior Policy

    The Lawrence Library welcomes patrons of all ages.

    The Lawrence Library is a public building. Parents or caregivers are responsible for the supervision of their children. Library staff can not take the place of a parent, act as babysitter, or assume responsibility for unsupervised children. Staff members have many duties to perform in service to patrons and cannot monitor the whereabouts or safety of unattended children.

    Guidelines for Supervision:

    1. Children of age eight and under shall be supervised at all times in the immediate presence of a parent or other responsible caregiver identified by their parent/guardian.

    2. Children of ages 9 - 12 may be left unsupervised in the Children’s Room while the parent or assigned caregiver is in another part of the library providing that:

    • A library staff member is present and told where the parent/caregiver will be in the building.
    • The child is able to behave appropriately while unsupervised.
    • The length of time the child is left alone does not exceed the child's comfort level with the situation.

    3. People attending meetings who are accompanied by children must provide adequate supervision. Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by one adult for every four children. Activities must stay in the room booked and should not impact other library patrons.

    4. All children must be picked up prior to the closing time of the library. Reasonable efforts will be made to locate the parent/guardian (relative or neighbor if necessary) of an unsupervised child at the time of closing; if a responsible person can not be contacted, Pepperell Police will be called and will assume responsibility for the child.

    Library staff members are not responsible for supervising children in any area of the Library.

    Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees January 2, 2008; Amendments approved November 7, 2018, November 6, 2019, and December 2, 2021

  • Computer & WiFi Use Policy

    The Library provides computers for a variety of uses from accessing the internet and online databases to word processing. The library cannot be held responsible for content accessed on the internet, as not all internet sources provide factually accurate, complete, or up-to-date information.

    Parents are responsible for monitoring their children. The library encourages parents to explore the internet with their children at the library. The library will not deny use of the internet based on age. Restriction of a child’s access to the internet is the responsibility of that child’s parent or legal guardian. The staff is not responsible for monitoring children’s use of the internet.

    Internet Rules

    1. Users do not need to have a library card, they can be logged in by a staff member on a guest account.

    2. Users may reserve one block of 60-minutes per day.

    3. The viewing of internet pages that display materials deemed inappropriate for a public and open environment, are prohibited. Patrons may be asked to exit a site. Any patron who refuses to exit a site when instructed to do so by a staff member, or who acts in an inappropriate manner toward a staff member that is enforcing this policy, will be subject to suspension of all internet privileges.

    4. Copies may be printed at a cost of $0.15 per page (black & white) or $0.30 (color).

    5. Files can only be saved to a flash drive. Files cannot be saved to the hard drive. Flash drives are available for purchase at the Circulation desk.

    6. Computers must be used as provided. Any attempt to add, delete, or modify installed hardware or software will result in the revocation of the privilege for the user.

    7. Content filters are not installed on any library computer system. When a child uses a computer the parent or caregiver is responsible for overseeing what is accessed.

    WiFi Access

    The Lawrence Library provides free WiFi throughout the building. WiFi is available outside the building as well, 24/7.

    Users are responsible for making sure their computer has the correct settings and necessary hardware. Library staff cannot assist users in configuring their equipment or troubleshooting problems. Users should refer to their owners' manuals or other support services offered by their computer manufacturer. The library cannot guarantee that a user's hardware will work with the library's WiFi.

    As with most public WiFi, the library WiFi is not secure. There can be non-trustworthy third parties between the user and anybody with whom the user communicates. Any information being sent or received could potentially be intercepted by another WiFi user. Cautious and informed WiFi users should not transmit their credit card information, passwords or any other sensitive personal information while using any WiFi.

    The library will not be responsible for any personal information (e.g. credit card) that is compromised, or for any damage caused to your hardware or software due to electrical surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or hacking. All WiFi users should have up-to-date virus protection on their devices.

    Laptops and other devices should never be left unattended in the Library, even for brief periods of time. The Library assumes no responsibility for damage, theft, or loss of any kind to a user's equipment, software, data files or other personal property brought into or used at the Library's facilities.

    By choosing to use this free WiFi service you agree to abide by the Lawrence Library's internet Use Policy. Copies of this policy are available at the circulation desk. All users are expected to use the library's WiFi in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided. Users should not violate federal, state, or local laws, including the transmission or receiving of child pornography or harmful material, fraud, or downloading copyright material.

    Any restriction or monitoring of a minor's access to the library's WiFi is the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian.

    Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees December 3, 1997; revised September 6, 2000, December 2, 2021, and September 7, 2022

  • Mask and Health Safety Policy

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  • Materials Selection Policy


    The Materials Selection Policy is a balanced philosophy reflecting a mix of knowledge of the community and its needs and resources, and an evaluation of materials in relationship to the overall mission of the library. It is the intent of this policy to provide an objective and rational means of looking at collection development and a consistency that supersedes individual staff members or individual members of the Board of the Trustees.

    Materials Selection Philosophy

    • The Lawrence Library recognizes the right of all citizens to good library service and collections; in doing so, the library recognizes the authority of each parent over his or her own children.
    • The Lawrence Library seeks to include, rather than exclude, materials.
    • The Policy seeks to develop a strong, useful collection.
    • Budget constraints are not to be used as excuses for excluding materials from the collection.

    Philosophy and General Library Objectives

    The Lawrence Library is dedicated to serving the community as a source of information and provides educational, informational, cultural, and recreational materials to meet the needs of its users. It supports and responds to the educational, civic, and cultural activities of individuals, groups and organizations. It provides opportunity and resources for all people to pursue the goal of self-improvement and education.

    Intellectual Freedom and General Selection Criteria

    The Lawrence Library subscribes fully to the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read statement, the Library Bill of Rights, and the Access for Children and Young Adults to Non-Print Materials (these statements are provided in their entirety in the Appendix).

    It is the purpose of the library’s collection to make available books and other library materials which support educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of users. Materials are selected for their importance to the total collection. Materials are selected with concern for all ages, backgrounds, abilities and levels of education. election includes books of contemporary interest and those of permanent value. Within the constraints of space and budget, the library makes every effort to provide a collection that is well-developed, balanced, and representative of varied points of view on controversial issues. Inclusion of an item in the collection does not indicate library endorsement of its contents. Each reader is privileged to select books of personal interest and each reader is never under any obligation to read what he or she does not like.

    It is essential for all citizens to have access to all library materials, and therefore, there are no restrictions placed on what anyone, regardless of age may read or borrow from the collection (See the American Library Association’s statements in the Appendix). Although it is not possible for the library to purchase all the materials needed to satisfy the special needs of an individual patron, such materials can often be requested through inter-library loan. At all times the library will seek to support a collection which responds to the unique characteristics and needs of the community.

    Procedure for Complaint

    All requests for the reconsideration of materials will be handled in the following manner:

    1. The staff member receiving the complaint will ask the patron to fill out the Request for Reconsideration form.

    2. When the completed form has been received, it will be submitted to the director.

    3. The director will locate published reviews and/or commentary on the title in question.

    4. The director will advise the Board of Trustees of the complaint and keep the Board fully informed on the matter.

    5. The director will take all factors under advisement and come to a decision.

    6. This decision will be reviewed with the Board of Trustees at the next scheduled Board meeting.

    7. The director will communicate the decision to the complainant in writing.

    8. If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision, he/she may appeal to the Board in person.

    Responsibility for Selection

    The Board of Trustees is responsible for adopting the Materials Selection Policy and reviewing the policy on a regular basis. The responsibility for the selection of materials rests with the director, who may choose to delegate responsibility for the selection of various materials to staff members. All staff members delegated with such responsibility are required to operate within the framework of the Materials Selection Policy. When selecting materials, review resources will be consulted (New York Times Book Review, Booklist, Library Journal, Kirkus, etc.).

    Selection Criteria

    Public libraries are diverse and represent a broad demographic. With a patron base that can include infants to the elderly, selection criteria should take into account the various interests and needs of the patrons the library serves. Criteria for selection of materials should also depend on the goals and mission of that particular library/system. In general, public libraries provide collections containing a wide variety of material formats, including print, audio-visual, and electronic. In selecting materials and developing collections for adults, as well as for children and teens, library staff includes materials that represent the broad range of human experience, reflecting the ethnic, religious, racial, and socio-economic diversity not only of the region it serves but also the larger global perspective. Library collections will provide a broad range of opinion on current issues.

    Collections contain popular works, classic works that have withstood the test of time, and other materials of general interest. Works are not excluded or included in the collection based solely on subject matter or on political, religious, or ideological grounds. In building collections, library staff is guided by the principle of selection, rather than censorship. Furthermore, the selection of a given item for a library’s collections should not be interpreted as an endorsement of a particular viewpoint.

    To build a collection of merit, materials are evaluated according to one or more of the following standards. An item need not meet all of these criteria in order to be acceptable.

    General Criteria:

    • Present and potential relevance to community needs
    • Suitability of physical form for library use
    • Suitability of subject and style for intended audience
    • Cost
    • Importance as a document of the times
    • Relation to the existing collection and to other materials on the subject
    • Attention by critics and reviewers
    • Potential user appeal
    • Requests by library patrons
    • Authority
    • Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment
    • Skill, competence, and purpose of the author
    • Reputation and significance of the author
    • Objectivity
    • Consideration of the work as a whole
    • Clarity
    • Currency
    • Technical quality
    • Representation of diverse points of view
    • Representation of important movements, genres, or trends
    • Vitality and originality
    • Artistic presentation and/or experimentation
    • Sustained interest
    • Relevance and use of the information
    • Effective characterization
    • Authenticity of history or social setting
    • Ease of use of the product
    • Availability of the information to multiple simultaneous users
    • Equipment needed to provide access to the information
    • Technical support and training
    • Availability of the physical space needed to house and store the information or equipment
    • Available in full text

    Content Criteria:

    Special Considerations for Electronic Information Sources:

    (Selection Criteria adapted from the ALA Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit for Public, School, & Academic Libraries)

    Selection by Clientele Served


    The library will strive to provide a full range of materials for the adult user, including books, magazines, newspapers, music CDs, DVDs, video games, and digital formats. Large print books will be selected on an ongoing basis.

    Young Adult

    Young adult materials are those designated for children in grade 6 through high school. Young adults have access to the entire library collection but those designated as YA reflect and serve the needs and interests of this user group.


    Materials selected cover the needs and interests of infants and children through grade 5. Materials for the children’s collection are selected to provide pleasurable reading, support the curriculum, and provide print and non-print resources of current interest. The library strives to provide materials in all fields of knowledge that are of interest to children and that will instill a love of reading and learning.

    Policies by Format


    Hardcover, paperbacks, audio and ebooks are added to the collection on a regular basis. Multiple copies are purchased on an as-needed basis. Textbooks are not routinely purchased except when recognized as the best source of information on a topic. It is not the role of the library to provide copies of all textbooks used by local schools. Self-published books are not routinely purchased. Local authors may donate a copy of their self-published work, but as with all gifts, they will not necessarily be added to the collection.


    Magazines (print and digital) are selected to provide an additional source of recreational reading and to provide current information on a variety of topics. Currency and relevancy is most important and after one year, or less depending on space limitations, most magazines will be withdrawn.


    Local and national newspapers will be selected to provide news coverage on both a local as well as national and international level.


    Music in variety of genre will be selected for both adults and children. Preference will not be given to classical over popular, rather a variety of genre will be selected. Formats may vary depending on changes in technology. Every effort will be made to provide music in current formats as well as transitional formats.


    Movies on DVD will be selected for both adults and children. Preference will not be given to classical films over those of current interest; rather a variety of genre will be selected. Formats may vary depending on changes in technology. Every effort will be made to provide film in current formats as well as transitional formats. Access for children and young adults to non-print materials follows the American Library Association’s interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights (See Appendix). The library does not restrict access to video, nor will the library label materials as suitable for only certain ages. We encourage parents to clearly define limits for their own children.

    Video Games

    Video games will be selected for both adults and children. The library collects games for the current major consoles. New games will be added as they are released, older games may be purchased if requested. A variety of games covering different genres and interests will be provided. Access for children and young adults to non-print materials follows the American Library Association’s interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights (See Appendix). The library does not restrict access to video, nor will the library label materials as suitable for only certain ages. We encourage parents to clearly define limits for their own children.


    Gifts of books and other materials are welcomed by the library, but with the understanding that they will not necessarily be added to the collection. The same standards of selection are applied to gifts as to materials purchased from library funds. Gifts which do not meet the library’s standards may be placed in the Friends of the Library book sale.

    Generally, the library does not accept textbooks, or books in poor physical condition.

    The library applies the same criteria for evaluating gift items as it applies to purchased materials. Gifts will be withdrawn in the same manner as purchased material. The library does not accept responsibility for notifying donors of withdrawal or replacement of gift items.


    Weeding is the systematic evaluation of the library’s collection with the purpose of de-selecting damaged or obsolete materials from the collection. In an ideal world, the library building would be large enough to retain copies of all titles published, especially those by our own favorite authors. It must be acknowledged that the building has a finite capacity and space for new materials must be provided. Librarians are entrusted with this responsibility.

    Materials which fall into the following categories should be withdrawn:

    1. Material which contains outdated or inaccurate information.

    2. Superseded editions.

    3. Worn or damaged items.

    4. Duplicate copies of items no longer in high demand.

    5. Titles which are seldom borrowed.

    Approved by the Library Board of Trustees March 1, 2006, Amended and approved: November 7, 2018; November 4, 2021

  • Meeting Room Policy
  • Minimum Staffing Policy

    Proactive Pandemic Policy

    The Lawrence Library has established the following policy to follow in the event of a pandemic.

    1. The Lawrence Library will close due to a pandemic in the event that there is a mandate or recommendation for closure issued by public health or government officials on the local, county, or state level.
    2. At the discretion of the Library Director or the Library Board of Trustees, the Lawrence Library may close, reduce its operating hours, or limit services temporarily (e.g. programming) in the event that there is not sufficient staff to maintain basic library service levels.
    3. In the event that any North Middlesex District school is closed due to confirmed cases of illness, the Lawrence Library will remain open unless one of the aforementioned requirements for closing are also met. Should school be canceled due to a pandemic, non-circulating children’s materials will be removed from public areas during the duration of the school closure to minimize spread through surfaces frequently touched by children. Kits will be placed into storage and temporarily unavailable for circulation. Disinfecting and/or cleaning procedures issued by public health officials will be followed as possible.
    4. The Minimum Staff Requirement Policy will remain in effect in the event of a pandemic. Library staff sick leave policy, as outlined in the library union contract, shall be followed in the event of a pandemic outbreak. The level of excused absence of library staff will determine the ability to carry out services and maintain open hours. Phases may include:

    -Cancellation of all programs, special events, and meeting room reservations.

    -Reduce open hours if number of employees falls below temporary minimum level.

    -Close the library for one or more days if only minimum level can be met for three or more days.

    5. In the event of closure necessitated by pandemic, effective communication about any reduction in services or open hours is of the utmost importance. Library staff should immediately post information about closures on the library website, social media sites, outside the library, on, and the Town of Pepperell website.

    Direct patron assistance: check out, issuing library cards, computer and reference assistance, facility and collection supervision/safety.

    • Patron related-tasks: check in, incoming delivery, shelving.
    • Workflow tasks: pull list, material orders, cataloging
    • Essential services: payroll, processing bills for payment, Library Board meetings.

    Individual responsibilities outside of those described shall be completed after these prioritized tasks, if time permits, performing those duties with a deadline or significant impact first. Employees should consult with the Director or to determine staffing area assignment and which individual work tasks should take priority, or in the event that they feel a responsibility not listed here requires urgent attention.

    • Library staff will be provided with disposable masks and gloves, hand sanitizer, and surface disinfectants.
    • If, for any reason, the Library Director is unable or unavailable to perform the responsibilities and decisions outlined in this policy, administrative authority for this policy and all library operations shall follow the Responsibility for Library Operations Policy.

    Adopted by the Lawrence Library Board of Trustees on October 9, 2014, updated December 2, 2021

  • Parking Policy


    For purposes of this policy, the word ‘meeting’ refers to any meeting, program, event, or other happening in the Lawrence Library including its various meeting rooms.

    The Library provides motor vehicle parking for staff and visitors only. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide convenient parking in proximity to the building; however, the Library does not guarantee the availability of parking space at any particular time.

    The capacity of the library’s parking lot is 51 spaces, four of which are reserved for people with disabilities in vehicles bearing official plates or hangtags.

    Parking is allowed in designated spaces only. Vehicles may not be parked on the lawn, in the fire lane, etc. Vehicles may not be double-parked. Vehicles must not block abutters’ driveways. Vehicles without official handicapped plates or tags may not be parked in the handicapped spaces for any length of time.

    One parking space is allowed per vehicle. No vehicle may take up more than one space.

    The library parking lot is not available for long-term parking, including ridesharing and overnight.

    The Library and Town are not responsible for citations or towing costs of those parked in an unauthorized space or otherwise in violation of this policy.

    The Library and Town assume no responsibility for damage to vehicles or other personal belongings while they are on town property.

    Commercial and Construction Vehicles

    Commercial and construction vehicles are prohibited from using the library parking lot and driveways unless their business is related to a library project.

    In an Emergency

    In the event of an emergency, any vehicle blocking access to the building shall be removed prior to the arrival of emergency vehicles so that action can be taken without delay.

    Every effort will be made to locate the owner(s) of vehicle(s) so that they can be removed without damage. Should the owner not be located, or emergency action is necessary for immediate removal, Town emergency personnel have the authority to remove such vehicles as they see fit, making every effort to prevent damage.

    Parking and use of the meeting rooms:

    In addition to the General policy above, the following applies to Sponsors and attendees using the meeting rooms.

    If a meeting is expected to draw more than 30 vehicles, the meeting Sponsor is responsible for contacting the Pepperell Police Department to see if a traffic detail will be needed. If a detail is needed, the Sponsor and/or his/her organization must submit an application form to the PPD and will be responsible for the cost. If a detail is needed but not arranged prior to the meeting, the Sponsor is responsible for any costs associated with traffic control, as determined by the Chief of Police.

    Due to the limited number of spaces available, the meeting Sponsor shall encourage attendees to carpool.

    Additional parking may be available at Town Hall. The Town of Pepperell does not allow cars to be parked with tires on the sidewalk.

    The library’s parking lot must be cleared of all vehicles promptly after the meeting ends.

    Approved by the Library Board of Trustees, March 6, 2019; reviewed and approved December 2, 2021

  • Photography & Filming Policy

    You are welcome to take video/photographs of the library building and grounds for your enjoyment.

    Please observe the following:

    • Refrain from the use of flash equipment in areas in which it might disturb library users.
    • Equipment such as tripods or selfie sticks may not obstruct passageways or cause disturbances to library users.
    • Photographing and/or filming and/or audio recording of minors is prohibited.
    • Photographs and videos created at the library may not be used for any commercial purposes, unless with prior approval. Permission must be secured in advance by contacting the Library Director.

    Please note that the Lawrence Library frequently engages in photographing and recording programs and events for its own publicity and promotional purposes. Library staff will notify members of the public when filming and audio recording is taking place. Please notify a staff member if you do not want to be photographed or recorded.

    Adopted by the Lawrence Library Board of Trustee August 2, 2023

  • Posting Policy

    The Lawrence Library provides public bulletin boards for the posting of community activities and events, as well as postings from local nonprofit, educational, and cultural organizations. The Library does not post advertising selling products or services.

    The use of all other boards and posting areas (exterior lawn, tables, doors, etc.) may be available for use by nonprofit organizations that submit a written request. The written request must be received a minimum of 30 days in advance and is subject to approval.

    • Designated library staff must approve all notices, posters, and brochures. Items should be brought to the Circulation Desk for approval. Items will be initialed by a staff member before posting.

    • Only designated staff can post or remove notices. Once notices are removed, they are discarded.

    • Oversized posters may be rejected because of space limitations. If the board is crowded, library staff reserve the right to select notices for events with the widest appeal.

    • The Library does not assume responsibility for materials damaged or stolen.

    • Acceptance of materials for display does not imply Library endorsement of a group or organization, its policies or beliefs.

      The following activities at the Library are strictly prohibited:

    • The placement and display of any materials on tables or bookshelves at the Library, without authorization. Such materials will be immediately removed and discarded. For the purposes of this section “materials” includes, but is not limited to, notices, brochures, bookmarks, and cards.

    • The placement of any materials into the Library’s collection. Such materials will be immediately removed and discarded. For the purposes of this section “materials” includes, but is not limited to, notices, brochures, bookmarks, and cards.

      Approved by the Library Board of Trustees - November 7, 2018, reviewed and approved December 2, 2021

  • Request for Reconsideration Form

    Requests for reconsideration will be reviewed and discussed by the Library Board of Trustees at their next
    scheduled meeting. The public is welcome to attend.

    Do you represent yourself? Or an organization? Name of Organization:

    Resource on which you are commenting:
    ___ Book
    ___ Movie
    ___ Magazine
    ___ Audio Recording
    ___ Digital Resource
    ___ Game
    ___ Newspaper
    ___ Exhibit
    ___ Display
    ___ Program
    Title (if applicable)
    Author/Producer (if applicable)

    Please answer the applicable question(s):
    Have you read, listened to, or viewed the material completely?
    Did you see the exhibit or display in person?
    Did you attend the entire program?
    In your view, the topic or theme of the material, program, exhibit, or display is:
    Your objection to the material, program, exhibit, or display is:
    The material, program, exhibit, or display came to your attention by:
    Other materials you recommend to provide additional information or points of view on this topic:

  • Social Media Policy

    The Lawrence Library utilizes social media to interact with the community, other libraries, and the general public. Social media allows the public to access some of the resources of the Lawrence Library without mandating a visit to the physical library. The Lawrence Library regards social media the same as its other information resources in accordance with its mission of serving Pepperell’s needs for access to informational, educational, cultural, and recreational pursuits.

    Social media is defined as forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos). Examples are Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Wordpress. Many social networking sites allow users to become a "friend", "fan" or otherwise associate their own accounts with the library on these sites. As with traditional resources, the library does not act in place of or in the absence of a parent and is not responsible for enforcing any restrictions which a parent or guardian may place on a minor's use of this resource.

    The Library does not collect, maintain or otherwise use the personal information stored on any third party site in any way other than to communicate with users on that site, unless granted permission by users for library contact outside the site. The purpose for contact outside the site may include program promotion, reference help, volunteer opportunities, or other similar activities. Users may remove themselves at any time from the library's "friends" or "fan" lists, or request that the library remove them. Users should be aware that third party websites have their own privacy policies.

    Comments, messages and posts are welcome on Lawrence Library social networking sites. While the library recognizes and respects differences in opinion, all such interactions will be monitored for content and relevancy before publishing when possible. Postings which contain any of the following will be removed and the user barred from posting any subsequent messages to library social networking sites:

    Obscene or racist content

    Potentially libelous statements

    Plagiarized or copy-written material without proper consent or attribution

    Private, personal information published without consent

    Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language

    Comments totally unrelated to the content of the forum

    Hyperlinks to material that is not directly related to the discussion

    Commercial promotions or spam

    Organized political activity

    Photos or other images that fall in any of the above categories

    Additionally, the Lawrence Library reserves the right to edit or modify any postings/comments for space or content, while retaining the intent of the original post. The library shall also be granted the right to reproduce comments, posts, and messages in other public venues. For example, a response to a Facebook posting may be quoted in a newspaper or on the library website. Identifying information, other than first name, will be removed unless prior approval is granted by the user. The Lawrence Library assumes no liability regarding any event or interaction that takes place by any participant in any library-sponsored social networking service, and does not endorse or review content outside the "pages" created by Lawrence Library staff. Participation in Lawrence Library social networking services implies agreement with all library policies, including its Social Media Policy, Acceptable Use of the Internet and Public Computers Policy, Public Posting Policy, and the Terms of Service of each individual third-party service. If a user does not agree to these terms, they shall not use the services provided. The role and utility of social software and networking sites will be evaluated periodically by library staff, and may be terminated at any time without notice to subscribers.

    Approved by the Lawrence Library Board of Trustees, December 7, 2011, Amended and Approved on October 7, 2021