For Seniors
We have Bridge Club on Wednesdays at 10:30 am (new members always welcome!), Meditation on Tuesday nights at 6:30 pm, and a new club for cribbage on Thursdays at 6:00 pm. Take a look at our Event Calendar for a full listing of all our great programs!
The Albert Harris Center
(formerly the Pepperell Senior Center) is a "Home Away From Home" for
seniors. They offer social interaction, education, physical activity,
and emergency assistance.
37 Nashua Rd, Pepperell
Helpful links:
- Benefits Check
- Eldercare Locator
- Massachusetts Office of Elder Affairs
- Meals on Wheels
- Medicare
- NCOA Emergency Preparedness Guide for Older Adults
- NuWav Legal Documents: printable documents in categories such as Business, Contracts, Landlord/Tenant disputes, and Divorce.

Worcester Talking Book Library
Are you only able to read large print materials? The Lawrence Library has an extensive collection of large print books, and we are often able to borrow large print titles through interlibrary loan, but if you would like access to a wider collection, you may be eligible for Worcester Talking Book Library services.
The Worcester Talking Book Library provides free services to Massachusetts residents of any age who are unable to read traditional print materials due to a visual or physical disability. The WTBL has access to more than 1.2 million volumes of material, including digital books, large print, described videos, braille, and 100 magazine titles in recorded and braille format.