Library Cards & Borrowing
Library cards are free for Massachusetts residents, workers, and land owners, age 5 and up. Proper identification is required. Library material may not be checked out without a card. Non-residents may obtain cards for a fee of $50 per year. One card per person, accounts are non-transferable.
Books, CDs, and audiobooks may be borrowed for three weeks. Magazines, DVDs, and video games may be borrowed for one week. One renewal is allowed (each item will auto-renew once, on the due date). Magazines are not renewable. The Lawrence Library does not charge overdue fines for these items, but items borrowed from other libraries may be subject to fines.
Patrons may borrow up to ten DVDs or CDs, and up to five video games, at one time. Media may be left in the book drop, but they are fragile so please secure them with an elastic or padded envelope.
WiFi hotspots may be borrowed for two weeks. They are not renewable, and overdue fines are $2 per day. Museum passes are also subject to a $2 a day overdue fine.
Borrowers are responsible for returning the materials checked out on their card. Return items to the Circulation Desk or in the book drop by the front door, or at any CW/MARS library. Items are due on the due date before the library closes. Items returned on the due date after the library closes (in the book drop) will be checked in the following day. Museum passes may be left in the book drop.
Patrons are required to pay for lost or damaged items. We do not accept replacement copies in lieu of payment. Patrons who owe more than $10 in fines or replacement fees will have their account automatically blocked.
The library respects your privacy, and does not keep track of what you've checked out after you return it. You can keep track of what you've checked out by turning on Checkout History in your account. If you choose this option, you are agreeing to allow our automated system to store this data. The library staff does not have access to this information, however, it is subject to all applicable local, state, and federal laws, and under those laws, could be examined by law enforcement authorities without your permission.

What We Offer
Lawrence Library offers a wide variety of resources and services to the residents of Pepperell and the surrounding area. The library collection has over 71,500 items, including:
- 60,000+ books
- 5,500+ DVDs
- 3,300+ audiobooks
- 2,000+ music CDs
- 330+ video games (Nintendo, Xbox, PlayStation)
- 40+ print magazines
- 6 WiFi Hotspots
Not finding what you're looking for? Suggest an item to be added to the library collection.