Meeting Rooms

If you need a room today or tomorrow, please call the library at 978-433-0330, do not use the online request form.

The Library has four rooms available to book for meetings. All rooms are handicapped accessible. Please review the fire code capacity restrictions and meeting room policy below, then click the button to request a room. Be sure to request any special equipment needs, e.g., projector/screen.

Available Rooms

  • Art Gallery - seating 50, standing 75
  • History Room - seating 10
  • Meeting Room - seating 40
  • The Aerie - seating 2 (this room is good for private study/working, and is available on a first come, first served basis if not reserved.)

Your request will be reviewed by the Assistant Director. Upon approval, you will receive an email confirmation. When promoting your event or providing information for a meeting, please use the following contact/location information as written:

Lawrence Library
15 Main Street
Pepperell, MA

Contact the Assistant Director at email hidden; JavaScript is required or call the library at 978-433-0330 for more information.

  • Meeting Room Policy

    Revised by the Board of Library Trustees, June 2007; updated April 3, 2019; December 2, 2021

    General Policy

    The Lawrence Library of Pepperell has five rooms, plus an outdoor seasonal tent which are available to the public upon request if the room is not needed for library purposes. The rooms are specifically for meetings of a cultural, educational, or civic nature. The rooms are not available for meetings having a commercial purpose. Any question of interpretation will be referred to the Director. Final determination, if needed, rests with the Board of Library Trustees. Permission to a group does not imply an endorsement of its policies, beliefs, or program by any Library official or by the Board of Library Trustees.

    Regulations and Requirements

    Request for the room must be made using the online Room Request form.

    1. Request for the room must be made using the online Room Request form. The Lyceum and tent can only be booked by a staff person
    2. The applicant is expected to adhere to the stated purpose of the meeting and to conduct the meeting accordingly.
    3. Meetings must be open to the public.
    4. No admission fee may be charged.
    5. Meetings should begin and end during normal hours of operation.
    6. A room request must be at least one week in advance. A room request is not a reservation. You will be notified by email upon approval of the room request. Reservations for meetings in series require the approval of the Director or the Board of Library Trustees.
    7. No fees are charged for the use of the rooms, however, the sponsoring organization or individual will be held liable for damages arising out of the use of its premises.
    8. Tables and chairs will be available for you to use. You are responsible for the set up and breakdown of the chairs and tables, and leaving the room as found, ready for the next meeting.
    9. You are welcome to bring your own refreshments and may use the library’s coffee maker but clean-up in the kitchen is expected. If there is a spill on the carpeting, please notify staff.
    10. Fire code for the room occupancy is noted for each room and must be adhered to.